


OLD —  Reading, listening links

Steve Scher talks to Sarah Vowell (starts in around the 4-minute mark)

(for something different here’s Ross Reynolds’ interview with Vowell)

Scher talks to Joan Didion

Scher talks to Taj Mahal

Scher talks to Elizabeth Alexander

What does it take to be a great interviewer?

Due Oct. 13:
1 page bio on your subject. FACT CHECK.
Also, write up your five best questions. And explain why you choose these and How You Know these were the best questions. Would these be good questions to ask in a similar interview down the road?
One paragraph: How did the interview go? What worked, what did not?
One paragraph: Your subject’s body posture/eye contact and what sort of “signal” did it give off?
One paragraph: Your feelings conducting the interview? Easy? Nervous? Give me details.

Oct. 6
Due Monday: More questions, background info — interviewing another person?? — in regards to your profile subject. You’ll have at least another 30 minutes to chat. Final copies to turn in Wednesday.

Oct. 4
Due Wed: Final 500-word bio. Please turn in both the first draft and the final draft to me in class on Wed. You’ll receive a letter grade for your work.

Due Class #2:

Writing assignment: A 500-word bio on me. Double-spaced. Bring two copies for peer editing. You’re only allowed to use the information gathered in class. Please, adhere to this rule.

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